Better Together

Meet Louise Dumarey!

Founder of Giselle Jewellery and co-founder of Georges Foundation vzw.

"After losing my son Georges far too early, my good friend Laurence Castelein and I decided to honour his sparkling personality by establishing a non-profit organisation," says Louise. Georges Foundation helps underprivileged children in Flanders by providing basic needs and giving extra attention to mentally and physically handicapped children through the foundation. "In 2024, I also started Giselle Jewellery, where I sell timeless and stylish jewelry, with 100% of the proceeds going to Georges Foundation. My goal is to positively change the lives of underprivileged children," she explains.


"I want to make people who have grown up in difficult home situations or endured trauma at a young age feel that they matter and that they are heard," says Louise. That's why with Georges Foundation, they are constantly searching for solutions to the deficiencies they encounter along the way in other non-profit organisations or government institutions. "Seeking innovation energises me greatly. And when I don't find an immediate solution, I go rope skipping or practice my fire breathing. That works wonders," she says.

Louise's mission as an entrepreneur is to establish a philanthropic fashion brand where all proceeds are donated in full to charity. "I have been volunteering since I was a teenager, so after Georges' passing, it was a logical step for me to start a non-profit organisation myself," she says.

"If you have pure intentions, the universe will show you the way. That's advice that has taught me a lot. You have to trust the process and enjoy the journey, because it's not just about the end goal. I try to inspire others with my resilience and optimism and give them the extra push they need," says Louise.

The best and most challenging aspects of entrepreneurship

"The most rewarding part of entrepreneurship for me is the satisfaction I get when our target audience, the children, feel heard and loved. That's one of the most beautiful aspects of running a business. Also, seeing customers proudly wearing Giselle Jewellery brings me immediate happiness," Louise proudly shares.

"The hardest part of entrepreneurship is that I often jump from one thing to another. While everything may be clear in my mind, it may not be for others. Therefore, I find it challenging to know if I see things correctly or not. Asking for help is important, but I also sometimes see it as an obstacle," Louise explains.

Efficient communication with those you collaborate with is therefore key.

Better Together

"Teamwork is extremely important to me. When you collaborate and combine everyone's strengths and talents, you become unstoppable. Allowing teamwork enables you to achieve unimaginable things," Louise explains.

"This summer, I wrote down the names of three people I really wanted to collaborate with. Two of them are now in a work in progress," she says. Exciting times ahead!

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