Better Together

Meet Ruth Bossuyt!

"I like to take the bull by the horns, a trait some say I inherited from my grandmother," says Ruth. At her last employer, she was introduced to SKINN and Kurt. Due to her love for design, she immediately became interested in what the company was doing. "Now, ten years later, I am the CEO at SKINN," she says. In addition to her busy life as a business owner, she is also a proud mother of an 18-year-old daughter and happily married to Kurt. A full-circle story.


"My goal is to make the world more beautiful, in the literal sense of the word. I have a deep love for design and everything that is beautiful. Entrepreneurship is also in my blood. I always take the lead and enjoy setting targets with my team. This way, we can all give it our all together," says Ruth.

"I love bold entrepreneurship, not sitting back. It's all about moving forward, preferably with like-minded, creative, independent, and ambitious people around me," she says. Different perspectives or a good debate, that's what challenges her! That's why she considers it very important that everyone at SKINN can just be themselves.

"Ik heb een sterke mening en veel ideeën, toch geef ik de uitwerking liever uit handen. Ik delegeer graag, omdat ik overtuigd ben dat de mensen rondom mij sterk zijn in wat ze doen. Zelf ben ik iemand die graag een helikopterview behoudt in moeilijke situaties", vertelt ze. Door haar nuchtere blik op alles, lost ze vlot de moeilijkste puzzels op.

"I have strong opinions and many ideas, yet I prefer to delegate the execution to others. I believe in the strength of the people around me and their abilities. Personally, I like to maintain a helicopter view in challenging situations," she explains. With her pragmatic approach, she adeptly solves even the most difficult puzzles.

The most beautiful & challenging aspects of entrepreneurship

"I find the most beautiful part is that I get to help chart the course towards our goals. The satisfaction of achieving those goals is immense - landing that dream client, creating things, inspiring colleagues. The joy we can share with our team is amazing," says Ruth.

"I actually love entrepreneurship in all its dimensions. Of course, there are tough days, annoying situations, or difficult processes, but 'shit happens'. The strength lies in solving problems and turning them into something positive. Entrepreneurship has its ups and downs, but that applies to everything in life," she explains.

Better Together

"Teamwork makes the dream work. A strong team is a significant part of your strength. My team motivates and inspires me, helping me grow every day," says Nathalie. Within a team, she becomes the best version of herself and connects with like-minded souls. "Gender doesn't matter much to me. I just do my thing! Anyone doing what they love and excelling at it, that's WOW for me," she explains clearly.


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