Better Together

Meet Stéphanie Machiels!

Founder of The Silver Fox Foods, a gluten-free dining concept store.

"In my youth, I chose to study Japanology, Sinology, and Chemistry. After living and working in Asia for ten years, I met my Belgian partner at an international conference in Copenhagen, which brought me back to Belgium. Following a career in the fashion industry, I decided in 2004 to return to my passion for chemistry. I specialized in food chemistry and trained as a chef at Spermalie in Brugge. This led to the founding of The Silver Fox Foods in 2020, a dining concept store focused on fresh, gluten-free, and dairy-free food - a true treat for your belly", says Stéphanie.

"Better eating and better living: that is my mission! With The Silver Fox Foods, we bring food to the market that truly nourishes. Without added sugars, without the extra stress from gluten or dairy. The Silver Fox Foods is for everyone who values a well-functioning body, mental strength, and with a winner's mentality", explains Stéphanie.


"Satisfied customers give me immense energy and satisfaction. However, collaborating with others or being inspired by them is also important to me. The conversations I have with Véronique Bockstal during the acceleration program always bring clarity. Additionally, being a member of The Epic Club, an association for women in the hospitality sector, always provides me with valuable insights", says Stéphanie.

"My tip? Don't do everything yourself. You can only sustain your business to the extent of your own energy. Looking ahead, I am also definitely seeking to build a permanent team. With my future team, I would like to expand the network of The Silver Fox Foods and further develop our vision", she says.


"During product development, intuition is crucial in the initial phase, but sometimes it's more effective to refine and simplify the offerings. Creativity plays a crucial role here, but always in harmony with numerical substantiation", says Stéphanie convincingly.

The most beautiful and challenging aspects of entrepreneurship

"Being able to do your own thing every day is the most beautiful aspect for me. Watching my business grow and thrive fills me with an indescribable sense of fulfilment. Even in moments when the challenges feel heavy, I draw strength from the words of Eva Heyse: 'We all stand with our feet in the mud'", Stephanie says with a smile.

"Enduring hundreds of rejections for that one opportunity, and thousands of rejections for that one 'yes.' I find this very difficult. You can also get caught up in your thoughts without even realising it. In those moments, an external perspective can bring a lot of clarity", she explains.

Better Together

"Building a business is a collective effort. It's like raising a child. 'It takes a village,' as they say. The stronger your village, the more timeless your business will be. Though time inevitably passes, through 'better together,' you can extend the lifespan of your enterprise towards the future", says Stéphanie.

"Collaboration is a dynamic exchange of giving and taking. It's a fluid relationship where work is taken seriously, interspersed with careful follow-up from different team members to ensure consistency. This consistency creates a stable work environment that is invaluable to me", she says.

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