Better Together

Meet Clio Goldbrenner & Emilie Duchêne!

Founders of Let’s share our rollercoaster, organisers of high-quality speed networking events for entrepreneurs

"We both launched our brands in 2011: Clio started her eponymous handbag brand, Clio Goldbrenner, and Emilie founded her jewelry brand, Thea Jewelry. Before starting our own businesses, we gained valuable experience in various organisations. However, entrepreneurship has always been in our blood, as we both come from entrepreneurial families. Nowadays, we are both involved in various projects and activities. Since 2023, we have also been committed to the development of our company Let’s Share Our Rollercoaster," share Clio and Emilie with us.

"Our mission at Rollercoaster is to connect talents, enrich address books, and give people the opportunity to meet mentors they admire. In this way, we provide an endless source of inspiration and help people gain perspective on their projects," they say.

Think big, dare to dream

"We love to dream, and we do everything to make our dreams come true. We operate entirely on instinct and enjoy having a thousand projects. We've always worked on instinct and feel in our gut when the decisions we make are right," they tell us.

"With our own businesses, we've had the opportunity to collaborate with Kiehl's, Nespresso, and even Sharon Stone for Clio, and Victoria's Secret, L'Oréal, and even Rihanna for Emilie. Since then, we know: nothing is impossible," they explain enthusiastically.

"Speak about your project as much as possible, don't wait for it to be perfect to launch it, and follow your instincts," they advise. "We've learned this over time through a combination of lessons that have left a lasting impression on us."

The most beautiful and challenging aspects of entrepreneurship

"The best part of entrepreneurship is being able to set your own schedule and have each day look different. Recently, we've found a new rhythm in our lives where we work a lot during the year but try to travel with family and friends whenever we can. This gives us a purpose each time," share Clio and Emilie.

"The hardest part about entrepreneurship is that it never seems possible to fully disconnect. We are constantly engaged with our business," they say.

Better Together

"Better Together is fundamental to us. We dream of establishing Better Together collaborations in the future with inspiring women like Diane Von Furstenberg and Isabel Marant. And perhaps even a Generation WOW-Rollercoaster collaboration to bring together Belgian entrepreneurial women during an event," say Clio and Emilie.

"We primarily work with freelancers. We love the sense of freedom that comes with this. We also always surround ourselves with people who are more qualified than us in certain areas," they explain.

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