Better Together

Meet Nele Van Damme & Joke Colpaert!

Managers at Il Cigno, a gathering place for dance, creativity, development, and culture

"Since the beginning of this year, we have taken over Il Cigno, but before that, we both worked there for quite some time (Nele since 2006 and Joke since 2012). We respectively taught ballet and ballet and jazz dance classes. We were always deeply involved in the creative processes of the dance school and often directed performances. We also supported the management in all aspects. Over the years, we grew closer as colleagues and became good friends. When the opportunity finally arose to take over Il Cigno, it was a long-cherished dream that finally came true," Nele and Joke share.

"Today, our mission is to expand Il Cigno from a dance school into a vibrant gathering place where dance, creativity, events, and culture converge. We aim to offer holiday camps, workshops, performances, cultural walks, choreolabs, and rehearsal spaces—all in a welcoming and accessible atmosphere, with a focus on quality and attention to detail," they explain enthusiastically.

"We enjoy collaborating; it keeps us from staying in our ivory tower."

"We prefer to work together, each with our own strengths and from the heart. We value authenticity and remain true to our core values such as quality, integrity, inclusivity, artistic expression, and effective communication. At the same time, we surround ourselves with others from whom we can learn and who can support us, so that we do not remain in an ivory tower," they say.

"Our motto is: dare to delegate and ask for help. There are only 24 hours in a day, and you simply cannot be good at everything. There is nothing wrong with handing certain tasks over to people you trust," say Nele and Joke.

"We draw energy from our love and passion for dance and sharing it with others. We inspire each other, and our members in turn inspire us again. Inspiration often comes at unexpected moments, like when listening to a podcast, scrolling through social media, or hearing a remark that resonates with us. For choreography, we draw inspiration from music, visuals, and environments that deeply move us," they explain.

The most beautiful and challenging aspects of entrepreneurship

"Il Cigno is in our DNA. It doesn't feel like work; it brings immense satisfaction. We have the opportunity to engage with dance every day, something that comes from within and allows us to express ourselves fully. Dancing helps many people relax and feel happy. It energizes us to create those joyful moments for content and fulfilled individuals," they say.

"Because Il Cigno is ingrained in every fiber of our beings, it's difficult to let go. It's a challenge to establish a clear separation between our work at Il Cigno and our personal time. Often, we're so intensely engaged with everything simultaneously that it's difficult to approach tasks step by step," explain Nele and Joke.

Better Together

"Better Together is of great importance to us. This means firstly collaborating with trust between ourselves. Additionally, it's crucial within our team; without their dedication, commitment, and creativity, Il Cigno wouldn't be what it is today!" they say.

"We work with a diverse team of freelancers, part-time workers, and student employees based on trust and engagement. We foster a familial atmosphere where each team member is essential. Showing appreciation through team-building activities, gestures of gratitude, and regular check-ins is crucial to us," they explain with a smile.

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