Generation WOW Magazine
Better Together

Quick Q&A with Véronique Goossens, Chief Economist at Belfius

What is your position and what exactly does it entail?

‘My official title is Chief Economist. Specifically, I direct Belfius Strategic Research, a team of 10 economists and data scientists. I direct our studies and our macroeconomic analyses.’

What does a working week look like in your diary?

‘My working weeks are very varied. I have team meetings, meetings with colleagues about our studies and a regular meeting with the management team of CFO Johan Vankelecom, my supervisor. I naturally follow the economy and the markets closely. I also speak to the press, give presentations to clients on the Belgian economy, the global economy and the real estate market. I am also part of the soundboard of the executive committee.’

What do the other divisions at Belfius not know about your job?

‘That it is very strategic in nature. Based on studies of how Belfius works, we elaborate on the strategy. That doesn't mean that every step is always strategically thought through, but the whole thing is.’

What is the best financial tip you ever received yourself?

‘Start investing as young as possible, with small amounts. You'll build up a nice capital for later in life.’

What are the three things every entrepreneur should do every week regarding their finances?

‘Keep an eye on free cash flow and try to build it up. It gives you the opportunities to invest in the resilience of your business and the success of tomorrow.’

What is the simplest way to get entrepreneurs to get excited about their numbers?

‘Making figures speak in a clear way.’

What does Better Together mean to you?

‘Companies should have much more of a reflex to collaborate with other companies. Sometimes the complexity of the challenge is so great that it is very often interesting to break down the problem and outsource it to several other companies. Divergent companies give ditto insights. That is very instructive. You can't do everything yourself.’

Who is Véronique Goossens?

Véronique Goossens studied Communication Studies at the University of Ghent and Political and Social Sciences at the University of Antwerp. She worked as a journalist for radio and TV for more than 20 years. In 2016, she published the book De Geldmakers - Achter de schermen bij de nationale bank van België. Since 2019, she has been chief economist at Belfius. Since 2022, she has also been an independent director at the Antwerp Management School.

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