WOW x Insentials
Better Together

Dorien Draps

Author, blogger, and founder of 'Op Wandel'

"Good, and you?" And then the conversation falls silent. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? How often do we really ask how the other person is doing, delving beneath the surface, and not responding with just a casual "fine"?

In our podcast series, we dig deeper. How are you really doing? What's going well, what isn't? We delve into the woman behind the name or brand. We explore her entrepreneurship, successes, but also the obstacles along the way. And what does 'Better Together' mean to her? Here, we're already lifting a corner of the veil.

I don't take no for an answer

Dorien Draps, author, blogger, and founder of Op Wandel - a walking club but more fun - focuses in her life on movement and essence. This sensitive and empathetic rebel has a clear goal: to transform the indoor generation into an outdoor generation.

"My mailbox is automatically set to out of office, so everyone who emails me gets the same response: 'I'm on the walking trail more than behind my mailbox, so it may take two weeks before I reply to you.' The culture of needing to respond immediately at all times doesn't suit a walker. I live my life at 200 kilometers per hour, but I also manage to slow down. By walking. About 2 hours a day with Sierra, my five-month-old Australian Shepherd named after the Spanish mountain ranges, and on my organised group hiking tours. People who set off on a walk always come back different. That's what drives me."

"The essence of entrepreneurship is purpose. A life goal. And you don't find that, you create it. By testing, trial and error, hitting walls, and thus finding your path. Purpose is not about ego and oneself, but about sharing something with others. My goal is to turn the indoor generation into an outdoor generation."

"I try not to get stuck in my head too much, but to follow my instincts. If I feel that an idea is good, then I stay true to that. I don't accept no for an answer. Because after the seventh no, maybe a yes will come. I sense what works in the market and believe in myself."

"1+1=3. When you collaborate with the right partners, people who share your values and norms, you achieve great things and reach target audiences that are also interesting to you. You share a vision, which relieves some pressure. Reciprocity is often essential to me. What you give, you also receive in return. And also, how can I make something better? For others and for myself. How do I ensure that what I do within my business also aligns with who I am."

What's your superpower? "I don't take no for an answer; if I believe in something, I keep going until I get a yes."

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